Film entitled "A Sea Change: Imagine a world without fish"
Tue, 21 Apr, 12:15–13:15  / Room D

The first documentary on ocean acidification, A Sea Change (2009) interweaves interviews with scientists and an intimate intergenerational story, with gorgeous ocean footage. The film was shot in Norway and North America. Says Anne Alexander Rowley of Oceana: "A Sea Change is a magnificent synthesis of science and heart." Brad Warren, Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships writes:"A Sea Change offers a searching, emotionally powerful look at ocean acidification. This problem is sometimes called the "evil twin" of climate change, and many of us regard it as an existential threat to the future of fishing. The story is full of heart, scientifically accurate, and lyrical. It also offers good reason for hope, which is indispensable in the face of such a huge challenge."