
Division Liaisons
Convener: Konstantinos Kourtidis 
Thu, 23 Apr, 14:00–15:00  / Room 40

we are holding a meeting with the newly appointed Division Liaisons to EONS on Thursday 14:00-15:00 on O3 (purple level, where the Council Room is located). As this is the first meeting of this kind, below some basic info for you.

EONS stands for Education, Outreach News and Sponsorship and it is an EGU Forum (or Committee, if you prefer) that coordinates a number of activities, listed in and (as a result of the slightly chaotic organisation of the EGU website). As part of EONS, two Committees are currently operating, The Education Committee and the Outreach Committee. These are responsible, among others, for the organisation of GIFT Symposia for secondary School teachers (see for an overview of the Symposia organised so far), the publication of the EGU Newsletter (see, the operation of a Media Office -which also maintains the Press Room during the Assemblies - (, the operation of an open-access geosciences image database (see and a number of other activities. EONS is also responsible for Sponsorship and Scientific Affairs.

It has long being recognised that the interaction of EONS with the Divisions should be improved (many members, even Division officers, are not aware of these EGU activities), and the establishment of an efficient two-way communication between the Divisions and EONS is the reason for the appointment of Division Liaisons to EONS and this first meeting.
We count on your presence to this meeting to realise this goal.

Below the agenda:
1. Adoption of meeting agenda
2. Brief presentation of EONS activities to Division Liaisons
3. Discussion of a possible workplan for the work of the Liaisons with EONS
4. Adoption of Workplan
5. AOB
6. Date and plave of next meeting
7. Closing of the meeting