
Seamless Approaches in Weather and Climate (co-organized)
Convener: Mark Rodwell  | Co-Conveners: Thomas Jung , Gilbert Brunet 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Room 10
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 22 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Halls X/Y

Seamless ideas are high on the agenda of programmes such as WCRP and WWRP-THORPEX. The thought is that there is a lot to be gained by the weather and climate communities in terms of synergies and working more closely together. Here we use the term "seamless" to describe any activity that bridges the traditional boundaries of NWP, seasonal and decadal forecasting and climate prediction. This session invites contributions that present practical examples of how a seamless approach can aid weather-climate prediction.

Scientific or technical talks on any topic are welcome if they have a seamless context. A few examples of such topics may include

- Using weather prediction or data assimilation to evaluate aspects of climate models

- The use of climate simulations to test the statistics of weather phenomena in NWP models

- The validation of teleconnections in seasonal forecasts to gain confidence in regional climate prediction

- How the experience of representing chaotic uncertainty in NWP can be adapted to the climate context (e.g. initial uncertainty, stochastic parametrization etc)

- How the short time-scale prediction of aerosol and its verification against new satellite data can aid climate model development

- Seamless approaches involving El-Nino, sea-ice, vegetation etc

- How NWP can benefit from the climate communities' efforts in balancing top-of-the-atmosphere fluxes and in improving conservation properties

- Synergies in model maintenance and computational overheads from a seamless approach.

While talks should definitely be scientific or technical, they also need to be understandable by the broad audience anticipated. There will be a final discussion on the desirability and feasibility of a seamless approach.