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Integrated Assessment and Analysis of Climate Change Impact on Alpine Mountain Regions
Convener: Wolfgang-Albert Flügel 

Global Climate Change (GCC) is a consistent global challenge and throughout the world there is rising need to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of the potential impacts and vulnerabilities. Since the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions has proved difficult it is becoming ever more evident that conceptual adaptation options have to be developed and IWRM has been identified internationally as the appropriate tool in trans-boundary basins to mitigate the water related impacts on people, businesses, society, economy and environment at large. Alpine mountains are a key factor for the overall hydrological regime, and major rivers in the world have their headwaters in alpine mountains. In humid parts of the world, mountains provide 30% to 60% of downstream freshwater, and in semi-arid and arid environments, this figure adds up to 70% to 95%. Impacts of GCC are evident in these regions by glacier retreat, thawing of permafrost, greater variability in precipitation and stream flow. Considering the geographic distribution of alpine mountain regions the global dimension of this phenomenon becomes obvious and require an comprehensive and integrated assessment and analysis to develop such adaptation options for sustainable management of the essential water and land resources that presently sustain food production, socio-economic development and the environment. The session will present research activities that address these challenges and discuss methodological approaches to develop such adaptation strategies for the natural environment and its human dimension.