First European on-shore CO2 storage site Ketzin (Germany)
Convener: Frank Schilling 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 21 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 11
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 20 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Halls X/Y

The CO2SINK (CO2 Storage by Injection into a Natural saline aquifer at Ketzin) integrated project aims to advance the understanding of the science and practical processes involved in underground storage of CO2 to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The consortium running this EU project consists of 18 partners from universities, research institutes and industry out of 9 European countries ( It is the first demonstration project for large scale on-shore CO2 storage in Europe.
The storage site near the town of Ketzin, close to Berlin in Germany, includes industrial land and infrastructure which make it suitable as a testing site for underground injection of CO2 into a deep saline aquifer.
From March to September 2007 one injection well and two observation wells were drilled to a depth of 750 m to 800 m at a distance of 50 m to 100 m from each other. The reservoir characterization was done by cutting and core analysis from the three wells, petrophysical well logs and 3D-seismics. The Triassic Stuttgart formation consists of siltstones and sandstones interbedded by mudstones deposited in a fluvial environment. The target formation in 600 m to 700 m depth is 80 m thick with sand channels measuring up to 20 m.
CO2 from an industrial gas supplier is used for the first injection phase at the Ketzin site. A maximum of about 60,000 t CO2 will be injected over a time period of two years. The total amount is going to be adjusted during storage according to scientific and site specific requirements. Spreading of the CO2 plume is monitored by a broad range of geophysical and geochemical techniques
This session of solicited and open talks will give a broad overview of the pilot test site including detailed results covering the following topics:
- Storage site development.
- Base line storage site model.
- Characterization and verification of CO2 storage.
- Economic / ecologic analysis and safety concepts.
- Geoengineering
- Monitoring
- Public outreach