State of the art Visualization in Geosciences
Co-Convener: Mohan Ramamurthy 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 20 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Room 7
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 24 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Halls X/Y

This session focuses on advanced 3D visualization of seismic and geoscientific data. There are many ongoing research projects in the field of visualization and computer graphics on seismic data which the seismic domain could have interest in being updated on. Topics such as perceptual issues for smart visualization of seismic data and exploiting the graphics card for 3D data processing and visualization could be presented.
We present topics such as
- Visualization of very large volumes
- Visualization of Uncertainties for Geo-Scientific Data
- Illustrative techniques applied to 3D seismic data
- Borehole visualization
- Integrating GIS and geoscientific measurements