
GNSS in Geosciences : news and prospects
Convener: Felix Perosanz  | Co-Convener: Robert Weber 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 21 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room 26
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

GNSS are today a major technique in the field of geosciences research activities. Their continuous improvement in terms of performances, availability, modernisation and hybridizing will make them even more inevitable for future applications. This session deals with this question and we encourage submissions on the corresponding topics like, but not limited to :
- new signal structure and/or performance : GIOVE, GPS L2C, GLONASS CDMA, COMPASS
- recent advances in troposphere and ionosphere signals (modelling, measurement, assimilation,...) from ground and space receivers
- current developments on geodetic references : Galileo Terrestrial and Timing Frame, IGS reprocessing activities
- geo-scientific applications based on real time GNSS-networks
- improvements and developments in ambiguity fixing algorithms : zero-difference, single-difference, TCAR,...
- recent progress in analysing errors, systematic effects, noise in GNSS solutions
- recent results on surface loading GNSS observations originating from atmosphere, hydrology, high frequency ocean tides, non tidal ocean effects,...
- GNSS-Reflected signals and applications