
Water quality at the catchment scale: prediction and management of nutrient and sediment fluxes
Convener: Michael Rode  | Co-Conveners: Helge Bormann , Heye Bogena , Karim Abbaspour 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 21 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 31
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Upcoming land use and climate change as well as legal requirements (e.g. the European WFD) pose new challenges for the assessment and sustainable management of water quality of surface waters as well as groundwater bodies on the catchment scale. Therefore models are needed with predictive capabilities under changing land use and climate conditions an which fulfil the increasing needs for decision making. However, water quality calculations are affected by errors in input data, model errors, inappropriate model complexity and process knowledge. Therefore there is a strong need for advances in water quality models and to quantify and reduce uncertainties in water quality predictions. A key question in choosing or developing a water quality model is how complex the model structure should be to suit the needs in evaluating the management measures to be implemented. This issue is closely related to data requirements and monitoring schemes for a sound assessment of water quality and model application. Present data often suffer from insufficient temporal and/or spatial resolution, short duration of observations or not harmonized analytical methods. This session aims to get together scientist working on experimental as well as on modelling studies to improve the prediction and management of water quality constituents (e.g. for dissolved oxygen, nutrients, organic matter, algae or sediments) at the catchment scale. Contributions are welcome which focus on the following particular issues:

- Process and modelling studies on the identification of hot spots and pathways of nutrients and pollutants from land to water
- Assessment of in-stream processes for the transport and fate of nutrients and pollutants
- New approaches to develop efficient water quality monitoring schemes
- Advanced modelling tools integrating catchment as well as in-stream processes
- Quantification of different sources of model uncertainties
- Upscaling methodologies and dependencies between models and scales
- Management of pollutants: Pollution reduction measures
- New techniques of stakeholder involvement (e.g. Bayesian Network) and scenario analysis for catchment management

Invited speaker

George B. Arhonditsis
Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada