
Secular changes of the Planetary Earth system and its Physical Mechanism
Convener: Yury Barkin  | Co-Convener: Suriya Tatevian 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 24 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 14
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 24 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Halls X/Y

The reports focused on interdisciplinary studying of global planetary behavior of the Earth, as system of closely - interacting and the changing shells subject to external excitation on the part of external celestial bodies: the Moon, the Sun, planets are invited to discussion. In the list of discussed problems are included.
Study of interrelations and unity of secular, long-periodic and step-by-step changes of ocean, an atmosphere, a hydrology of the Earth, changes of the shape and rotation of the Earth, transport and redistribution of its masses, variations of gravitational and magnetic fields, currents in a core, heat flows, a climate. Study of secular and periodic changes of a global climate, climates of northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth, in particular, polar regions: Arctic and Antarctic regions.
Study of mechanisms of interaction of shells of the Earth and their external gravitational excitation. The reports focused on studies of planetary processes in all shells of the Earth, and also in their northern and southern parts are invited. The study of contrast geodetic and gravimetric changes in northern and in southern hemispheres, their experimental and theoretical studies. The study of dynamical and geophysical characteristics of natural processes in latitudinal belts.
The reports focused on studying of relative displacements and motions of shells: relative displacements of the centers of mass of shells, their small mutual turns, twisting of hemispheres of shells etc. are invited. The study of mechanisms of excitation and activation of natural processes in polar regions of the Earth and other planets, satellites and the Sun. The study of the phenomena of synchronization of natural processes, unity of cyclicities of their planetary variations, the phenomena of asymmetry and inversion of activity of natural processes in northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth.
For understanding of character of interaction and relative displacements, rotations and changes of the Earth’s shells the studies of displacements of a geocenter by methods of a space geodesy have the important and central value. Accurately determined the Earth’s center of mass variations and a full understanding of the observed geocenter motions provide important information about mass redistribution in the Earth system and should provide observational constraints on mass budgets in global atmospheric and hydrological models, especially those of the snow/ice fields in the Antarctic, the Arctic, and Greenland, which are of great interest in global climate studies. Geocenter variations are also important in establishing a more accurate ITRF system, which affects virtually all geodetic observations.
Studies of the last years have unequivocally revealed the significance of the analysis of the Earth’s center of mass displacements for the solution of fundamental problems of geodynamics, such as planetary inversion variations of the Earth’s figure, changes of the mean sea level in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, N/S planetary inversion of variations of gravity, as well as secular drift of the pole, non-tidal acceleration of the Earth’s rotation, variations of geopotential, non-tidal gravity variations and some other long-term effects. The use of some basic (or conditional) coordinate systems anyhow connected with the Earth may be possible and effective for solution of these problems. Therefore we invite you for discussion of the results of secular drift and cyclic center of mass displacements analysis in various terrestrial coordinate systems and by different techniques. A modeling of planetary transport of the Earth’s fluid masses, secular variations of the Earth rotation, small relative displacements and turns of the core, mantle and other shells of the Earth are of great interest, as well as the presentations on related geodynamical, celestial-mechanical and planetary geophysical studies.