Given heightened concerns about climate change and human impacts upon water resources, it is critical to provide information about current and future hydrological variation. By elucidating patterns and drivers of hydrological response, it is possible to assess those regions and time-periods most susceptible to climate change/ variability and anthropogenic influences and, thus, inform decision-makers so that water hazards and stress (e.g. floods and droughts) may be mitigated.
Thus, the aim of this session is to identify and understand variation in hydrological behaviour at a range of spatial (large basin to global) and temporal (event to multi-decadal) scales.
This session invites papers on the following topics; and it seeks to promote scientific exchange between disciplines (climate/meteorology-hydrology) and identify current knowledge gaps:
(1) methods for detection of hydrological variability and change
(2) multi-scale hydrological systems/ scale issues
(3) large scale climate-hydrology interactions, including
(4) prediction and forecasting of hydrological variations
The session adopts a holistic perspective. We invite papers that span the spectrum of hydrological descriptors (average, minimum (drought), maximum (floods), annual regimes, duration curves, moments etc.). Furthermore, we seek participants that work on the atmosphere-surface water (including snow and ice)-groundwater process cascade and, thus, bridge traditional (sub-)discipline boundaries.