
Planetary Geomorphology (co-organized)
Convener: Matthew Balme  | Co-Conveners: Alistair Bargery , Colman Gallagher , Sanjeev Gupta 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 20 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 19
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

The field of planetary geomorphology takes lessons learned from Earth and applies them to other solid planetary surfaces, and the recognition of landforms and surfaces in satellite data from planetary bodies has been greatly facilitated by centuries of terrestrial studies. Understanding the processes that form these planetary landforms allows us to begin to unravel the complex climate and geological histories of their parent worlds.

Planetary geomorphology is advancing at an unprecedented rate due to the ever growing stock of publicly available remote-sensing and in-situ data pertaining to planetary surfaces. In this session we aim to bring together both terrestrial geomorphologists and planetary geologists to share their knowledge for the benefit of all.

Research themes for this session include:
- remote sensing studies of the landforms of planetary solid bodies and the processes that shaped them.
- in-situ studies of planetary landforms from analysis of landing craft data.
- terrestrial field and laboratory studies of landforms and processes that have clear application to other planetary bodies.
- geomorphological/geological mapping of solid planetary bodies.
- techniques and advances in fields such as remote sensing, GIS, and computing that are specifically aimed at improving the techniques used in planetary geomorphology.
- studies of planetary surfaces that have can tell us more about geomorphological processes on our own planet.

Presentations discussing landforms and processes on Mars, Titan, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, asteroids and other solid bodies will all be most welcome.