In this session, three themes will be brought forward:
(1) Modeling and innovative observations in data poor environments;
(2) Management perspectives on regional and global water resources development;
(3) Environment and European directives
Special attention will be given to case studies and assessment tools for developing countries, where possible substantiated with quantitative information and quantitative approaches. Both hydrologist and management researchers will join in this session.
Scarcity of water resources for social and economic development has been at the heart of the global debate on sustainable development for a number of years. This has led to real and perceived conflicts between sectors, nations and stakeholders, and particularly to rethinking the balance between water consumption for economic activities and the amount of water required for maintaining a healthy environment. In analyzing water resources there has been a traditional focus on so-called "blue water" and an underestimation of the value and potential use of "green water" resources: the water used by ecosystems and rainfed agriculture to yield biomass and agricultural produce. Interesting options to enhance water resources availability can be found in matching blue and green water resources and in enhancing the productivity of water, expressed in output per m3, and in the recycling and reuse of water. Attempts to attribute a value to the water resources and to maximize the value in a broad societal context are particularly challenging, and require careful analysis and critical scrutiny.
Rapid production of a special issue of an international peer-reviewed journal is foreseen.