Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


High-latitude terrestrial chronological records of glaciation
Convener: Joanne Johnson  | Co-Conveners: Chris Fogwill , Jason Briner 

Terrestrial chronological records of deglaciation in the polar regions provide important parameters for constraining ice sheet models that will help predict future sea level rise. The session is designed to bring together scientists working on this aspect of glaciation in the high latitudes, especially in the Arctic and Antarctic. We will focus particularly on the application of cosmogenic isotopes and allied geochronological techniques, and encourage researchers in these fields to contribute to the session.

Cosmogenic isotopes have, in recent years, been widely used for reconstructing palaeo-ice sheet configurations, and are now increasingly being utilised for inferring basal thermal regimes of ice sheets and the effects of glacial erosion on landscapes. Therefore, in addition to studies of deglacial chronologies, we welcome contributions from those who research is focused on using cosmogenic isotopes to differentiate between nunataks and areas formerly preserved under ice sheets (i.e. relict surfaces). Such studies identify sites that may have served as biological refugia during glacial periods. We also welcome studies of terrestrial records of glaciation using other techniques, e.g. radiocarbon dating and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), and geomorphological studies comparing the effects of glaciation at both poles.