
Coastal geo-hazards and storm surges: characterization, prediction and climate change
Convener: Crescenzo Violante  | Co-Conveners: Piero Lionello , Fernando J. Mendez 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 24 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room 29
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 24 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Halls X/Y

This session combine geologic and oceanographic researches with the aim to encourage discussions on processes that significantly influence the human use of coastal resources. Coastal hazard assessment is a complex topic as it is influenced by both marine and terrestrial processes including rapid sediment transport downstream, losses of coastal land ascribed to subsidence, sea-cliff recession and slope instability, on one hand, storm surges and extreme flooding events on the other hand. The quantitative estimate of the risks in coastal areas that are exposed/vulnerable to these events is a hot topic nowadays and there is a need to characterize, model and operationally predict the factors and phenomena causing them. In this frame, marine geological investigations aimed to illustrate seafloor instabilities, submerged seismic structures or sedimentary records of onland derived hazardous processes are of valuable significance. Indeed, assessment of present trends and expected changes in the XXI century, considering sea level rise and the storm regimes, is particularly important for extreme sea levels, because of the hazard they pose to population along the coast and the potential damage to structures and the environment. The mutual interaction between geological and oceanographic forces is a key issue for coastal hazard assessment. Papers combining both subjects are particularly welcome.