
Social Sciences in Natural Hazards Research: Interdisciplinary Research Approaches
Convener: Eric Lindquist  | Co-Convener: Ron Hagelman III 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Halls X/Y

This session seeks to explore the intersection of social science and natural hazards research in an interdisciplinary context. The annual EGU meeting traditionally includes contributions from the social sciences in many of its subdivisions. For this session we propose an aggregate of social science contributions on which to frame a discourse among social scientists on their individual and collective contributions to natural hazards research. The primary goal of the session is to encourage discussion and exploration of the significant question: in an age of complex interactions between natural and human systems, what role does social science and interdisciplinary collaboration play in natural hazards research? More specifically, what are some of the success stories from such interactions, what are the barriers and constraints to the integration of social sciences into natural hazards research, and what avenues exist for more collaboration in this area for the future? We are soliciting abstracts for papers or posters from political science, sociology, economics, geography, communications, and related academic disciplines, as well as government and the private sector. The specific topics and abstracts may cut across many of the EGU subdivisions, however, the common theme will be social science applications to natural hazards. To the extent possible, considering the number of accepted abstracts, we hope to encourage open discussion and interaction among contributors and audience members. Case studies, empirical and theoretical work, and more general discussion and normative contributions are encouraged for this session.