
Lessons Learning and Best Practices for Disaster Risk Mitigation
Convener: Stefan Scheer  | Co-Convener: Boyko Ranguelov 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 24 Apr, 15:30–17:15  / Room 18
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Halls X/Y

Disasters triggered by natural hazards are a constant threat for both developing and developed countries. Unlike our inability to reduce natural hazards, we do have capabilities to reduce disaster risk and vulnerability. Appropriate interventions of that kind fill in the whole range of structural and non-structural measures from information management and monitoring tools to retrofitting of buildings and construction of preventive infrastructure.

Current research analyzes, structures, categorizes and disseminates products, processes and procedures that implement the abovementioned methods of intervention. A purpose of this exercise is to identify good practices together with a variety of complementary information: context of application, constraints, rating, cost-benefit ratio, success stories etc.

This session welcomes submissions that could make a useful contribution in this field either by focusing on a particular (e.g. organizational) issue, or by highlighting a general view.