
Satellite time series analysis
Convener: Rosa Lasaponara  | Co-Convener: Antonio Lanorte 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 20 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 15
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 22 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Hall A

Satellite time series provide temporal and spatial consistent measurements that have demonstrated potential as a means to detect, identify, and map changes . Nevertheless, change detection is still considered a difficult task to be performed. The ability of detecting changes in surface parameters, for both land and water , is linked not only with the intrinsic detectability of the changes, namely the greatness of variations compared to the initial conditions, but, also with the capacity to account for variability at different time/space scales.
We encourage submissions dealing with advanced methods for time series analysis of satellite data as well as traditional methods based on wavelet, Fourier transform, fractal analysis. Both applied and theoretical research contributions are welcome. Posters are also very much encouraged, as we plan to have both lively oral and poster sessions.
Selected papers will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of an International Journal