Soil system studies along climatological transects
Convener: Hanoch Lavee  | Co-Conveners: Jose Damian Ruiz Sinoga , Artemi Cerdà 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 22 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room 24
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 22 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Monitoring of soil systems along climatic transects establishes the understanding of climate conditions – pedological processes relationships. Projection of the processes that are active today in different climatic areas (differences in space) to assessing the effect of climate change (differences in time) at a certain area is the basic idea of the climatic transect approach (space for time). This is achieved by monitoring soil properties in experimental plots, that are located on hillslopes having similar lithology and aspect, along climatic transects. Key processes in different climatic areas are analysed and key indicators of climate change are identified. Changes of soil processes affect the whole pedo-geomorphic system and give a better understanding of the Earth System. Scientific research developed along climatological transect are welcome. A peer review publication is expected to be developed with selected papers of this session.

Oral Programme

Wednesday, 22 Apr, 13:30–15:00, Room 24

13:30–13:45 A. Imeson
Soil system studies along climatological gradients: lessons learned and challenges (solicited)

13:45–14:00 H. Lavee and P. Sarah
Pedo-geomorphic processes along climatic transects - significance for spatial patterns and climate change (solicited)

14:00–14:15 M. Shoshany
GeoInformation studies of soil and vegetation patterns along Climatic Gradients: A Review (solicited)

14:15–14:30 S. Trumbore, F. Marzaioli, C. Castanha, and R. Amundson
Using elevation gradients to study climate controls on soil carbon dynamics (solicited)

14:30–14:45 R.A. Dahlgren, C. Rasmussen, and R.J. Southard
Soil development along elevational transects on granite, andesitic lahar and basalt in the western Sierra Nevada, California (solicited)

14:45–15:00 R. Conant
Using climatological transects to understand the relationship between soil C lability-temperature sensitivity (solicited)

Poster Programme

Display Time: Wednesday, 22 Apr, 08:00–19:30
Attendance Time: Wed, 22 Apr, 17:30–19:00

1 A. Cerdà and M.B. Bodí
Aggregates stability changes along climatological gradients in Tarija (Bolivia) and Alacant (Spain)

2 N.M. Shnerb
Vegetation patchiness: Pareto statistics, cluster dynamics and desertification.

3 E. Zaady, M. Segoli, DJ. Eldridge, PM. Groffman, B. Boeken, and M. Shachak
Relationship among soil surface properties, hydrology and nitrogen cycling along a climatological gradient in drylands

4 I. Grishkan and E. Nevo
Microfungi of Israeli soils – remarkable differences along regional climatic and local microclimatic gradient

5 F. Zehetner, I. Djukic, W.P. Miller, F. Ottner, C.-C. Tsai, A. Mentler, Z.-S. Chen, and M.H. Gerzabek
The climosequence approach: Experiences from three continents, lessons learned and future challenges

6 M.F. Jurgensen, D.S. Page-Dumroese, A. Cerdà, X. Úbeda, M. M-Mena, and A. Rey
Wood stakes as an index of soil organic matter decomposition in a climatic gradient along the Spanish Mediterranean Coast

7 J.D. Ruiz Sinoga, E. Ferre Bueno, J.F. Martinez Murillo, and M.A. Gabarron Galeote
A short term response of the ecogeomorphological system under hydric stress situations along a mediterranean pluviometric gradient.

8 JD Ruiz Sinoga, JF Martinez Murillo, and A Romero Diaz
Determination of the desertification processes by means of the some soil physico-chemical properties analysis along a climate gradient. (South of Spain).

9 JD Ruiz Sinoga, E. Ferre Bueno, J.F. Martinez Murillo, and M.A. Gabarron Galeote
CEC as an indicator of degradation of the ecogeomorphological system along a pluviometric Gradient. South of Spain.

10 B. Berg
Climatic effects on decomposing litter and substrate chemistry along climatological gradients.

11 DR. M. László PhD
Main Parameters of Soil Quality and it’s Management Under Changing Climate