Phanerozoic climate signatures in continental and marine records: biosphere - geosphere interactions and orbital forcing (co-sponsored by IAS)
Conveners: Cristina Emanuela Casellato , Hemmo Abels  | Co-Conveners: Helmut Weissert , Jens O. Herrle , Miguel Garces 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 20 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 36
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 20 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

The aim of this session is to bring together researcher from different fields to better understand the evolution and linkages of the geosphere and biosphere, in particular to model major shifts and perturbations in both the marine and terrestrial records of the Earth System on the basis of a high stratigraphic resolution (including oceanic anoxic events, extinction events, climate variations in the Phanerozoic).

We scheduled contributions from an array of subdisciplines that aim to better understand how opening and closing of oceanic gateways affect climate, how orogenesis, erosional history and climate are linked, and how physical and chemical changes in both oceanographic and continental settings (temperature, precipitation patterns, ocean chemistry) affect biological evolution. Detailed investigations of continental and marine records, micro- and macropaleontological studies, reconstructions of climate- tectonics linkages in the Phanerozoic are presented.
Moreover, contributions on feedbacks between biological evolution and climate, and discussions on links between biomineralization and productivity in biogeochemical cycles have been also scheduled.

We are looking forward to welcome everybody to this session.