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Glacially influenced depositional systems and their petroleum potential (co-sponsored by IAS)
Convener: Howard Armstrong 

Throughout the Late Proterozoic and Palaeozoic, the Gondwana continent lay at mid- to high latitudes in the southern hemisphere. Multiple glacial episodes are identified in the sedimentary record during this time across Gondwana. Of these the “younger Cryogenian,” Ordovician and Carboniferous can be linked to the deposition of reservoir and source rock facies. The younger Cryogenian and Ordovician depositional systems are largely glacio-marine, while the younger Carboniferous system has a higher representation of glacio- fluvial and lacustrine glacial reservoirs. Hydrocarbons have yet to be discovered in association with the Cryogenian glaciation.

Presentations are invited from all Earth Scientists with an interest in Palaeozoic climates, glacial sedimentology, source rock geochemistry and petroleum exploration and geophysics. We have three aims, to understand the way in which glacial processes affected the sedimentary evolution, petroleum potential and petroleum prospectivity of these highly complex depositional systems, to explore commonalities and differences between them, and to use this understanding to refine our models of deep time glaciations.