Studies of rotation and inner dynamics of Solar system bodies
Convener: Yury Barkin  | Co-Conveners: Natalia Petrova , José M. Ferrándiz 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 20 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Room 8
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Halls X/Y

Dynamic studies of rotary motions of celestial bodies give the important key to understanding of their internal structure and dynamics of their shells. Due to space missions of last time and precision radar observations from the Earth the extremely important data on rotational motions of Mercury, the Moon, Mars, the Titan and other bodies of solar system are obtained. An increase of accuracy of observations of rotation of Mercury and the Moon in the nearest years is expected. Rotations and internal structures of solar system bodies have as the general properties so find out also the important specific features (resonant character of motion, presence of a liquid core, presence of liquid ocean shells, a massive atmosphere at the resonant satellite of the Titan and other). These features of celestial bodies result in necessity of development of new approaches and methods for construction of analytical theories of their rotation. The basic purpose in work of the given session is to combine and systematize studies of rotary motions of solar system bodies in view of their multilayered structure. The reports reflecting researches on the following themes are invited. The construction of analytical and semi - analytical theories of rotation of the Moon, Mercury and Venus, the Titan, other resonant satellites of planets, asteroids. Researches of gravitational fields and an internal structure of bodies of solar system, construction of their models. Researches of rotational motions of the Earth and Mars (in particular as systems of interacting shells). Observations of rotation of planets and satellites. Dynamics of relative oscillations of the shells of celestial bodies (differential rotations and small translational relative displacements). Studies of tidal evolution of rotary motions etc.