
Deformation processes: microstructures, textures, rheology and fluid migration
Convener: Hans de Bresser  | Co-Conveners: Holger Stunitz , Renée Heilbronner , Florian Fusseis , Georg Dresen , Luca Menegon 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 22 Apr, 13:30–19:00  / Room 16
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 21 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Halls X/Y

Session TS2.1 has been merged with this session. Co-conveners F. Fusseis and L. Menegon

Keynote speakers:
M. Herwegh (University of Bern)
A. Kronenberg (Texas A&M University)
B. Yardley (University of Leeds)

The session welcomes contributions from natural, experimental, modelling and theoretical studies involving microstructures and textures in relation to rheology. It is a continuation of the successful session on this topic of EGU2008. The aim is to discuss aspects that are still poorly understood, and new questions that have arisen regarding the measurement (by conventional and new techniques) and interpretation (applying previous and new theories) of microstructures and textures to identify deformation processes and mechanisms.

In a special subset of this session, we will focus on porosity, permeability and fluid migration in ductile shear zones. We expect to show examples integrating views from metamorphic petrology, structural geology, mineralogy and economic geology.