Initial soil formation (including Philippe Duchaufour Medal Lecture)
Convener: Wolfgang Schaaf 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 21 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 24
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Conceptual frameworks of pedogenesis are mainly based on changes in soil properties over time. Rate and direction of development are controlled by exogenous and endogenic factors. During development the soil system ´accumulates´ properties and reaches new stages by transgressing thresholds. In many studies chronofunctions are derived by inferring temporal patterns across soil chronosequences. Examples are processes of mineral weathering, formation of soil horizons, leaching, decalcification, secondary mineral formation, accumulation and formation of stable soil organic matter (SOM), the occurrence of buffering systems or the stability of solid phases. The interacting effects of spatial patterns and processes on the development of functions and stages are generally unknown and most studies lack defined characteristics of the starting conditions.
For the initial phase of ecosystems the temporal development and the spatial patterns of interactions between solute and mineral soil phases, SOM and biochemical processes are largely unknown.
A better understanding of important processes and feedback mechanisms in early stages of soil development and soil-plant interrelationships could assist in restoration or rehabilitation after disturbances.
We encourage contributions from case studies, experimental approaches and modelling. Basic research from initial ecosystems development after glacier retreat or volcanic eruption and applied studies on soil reclamation are welcome.