
Applied Geophysics in Cryosphere Sciences
Convener: Christian Hauck  | Co-Conveners: Olaf Eisen , Bernd Kulessa 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 05 May, 15:30–17:00  / Room 5
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 05 May, 17:30–19:00  / Halls X/Y

Geophysical measurements form a fundamental basis for all fields of crysopheric sciences. In view of global change and increasing anthropogenic impact in periglacial and glacial environments, accelerated change of surface and subsurface characteristics will increase substantially over the next decade. This includes thawing induced changes like permafrost degradation, sea ice retreat and glacial melt, as well as surface deformations through geomorphic processes or slope instabilities through changes in the subsurface material composition.

Subsurface information is usually obtained through direct measurements in boreholes. However, borehole data consist of point measurements and are generally not representative for larger areas, especially in the heterogeneous regions of periglacial and glacial environments. In contrast, geophysical methods present a cost-effective alternative which are capable of delineating and characterising the material as well as 2- and 3-dimensional structures of the shallow subsurface without disturbance to the study site. Furthermore, the various geophysical techniques offer a valuable tool to monitor spatio-temporal changes of different properties within the subsurface, a functionality which will play a more prominent role in the near future, as soon as automatic measuring systems are more widely applicable.

In this session advances and applications of the various geophysical techniques (radioglaciology, active and passive seismology, geoelectrics, NMR, etc.) for studies in cryospheric environments shall be discussed. Contributions may concern field applications as well as new approaches in geophysical survey techniques or theoretical advances e.g. in the field of data processing and inversion. Case studies from all fields of cryospheric sciences such as glacial and periglacial environments (including both arctic/subarctic and mountain permafrost), snow, alpine glaciers, ice sheets and sea ice are highly welcome, as the main focus of the session shall be to compare experiences in the application of different geophysical techniques in these highly complex environments and the corresponding data processing and interpretation techniques.