
Convener: Johannes Benkhoff  | Co-Convener: Ulrich Christensen 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 04 May, 15:30–17:15  / Room 13
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 04 May, 17:30–19:00  / Halls X/Y

After BepiColombo was given final approval in mid-November by the ESA Science Program Committee (SPC), the mission and instrument implementation phase has started. On the other hand, MESSENGER has completed his fly-by sequence on Mercury and is now on the way to become the first spacecraft in orbit around Mercury. As a result Mercury is and will be in the focus of planetary researchers for the next decade. The session is open for papers on new results taken from measurements, modeling and ground-based observations. Papers related to the instrumentation of BepiColombo and the expected scientific performances are also welcome.