To understand the role of the terrestrial hydrosphere-biosphere in Earth’s climate system it is essential to be able to measure from space hydroclimatic variables, such as radiation, precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, clouds, water vapour, surface water and runoff, vegetation state, albedo and surface temperature, etc. Such measurements are required to further our understanding of the global climate and its variability, both spatially and temporally. Additionally, such observations advance our understanding of coupling between the terrestrial and atmospheric branches of the water cycle, and how this coupling may influence climate variability and predictability. To enhance prediction of the global water cycle variation based on improved understanding of hydrological processes and its close linkage with the energy cycle and its sustained monitoring capability is a key contribution to mitigation of water-related damages and sustainable human development. In many cases, the combination of space-based data and high-resolution in situ data provides a powerful combination for effectively addressing water management issues. This session solicits contributions related to the earth observation of the whole water cycle, project results from recent initiatives, like the Water Cycle Multimission Observation Strategy (WACMOS) of the European Space Agency and the LandFlux of GEWEX among others, promoting the generation of global water cycle products are welcome.