New analytical methods and experimental approach in isotope geochemistry
Co-Conveners: Jean Carignan , Emmanuel Ponzevera 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 07 May, 10:30–12:00  / Room 42
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 06 May, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Many of the recent advances in biogeosciences have been stimulated by new or improved analytical instrumentation and development of novel methods and experimental approaches for isotopic analysis. This session encourages submissions related to isotopic analysis of non-traditional stable isotope (e.g. Mg, Si, Fe, Cu, Zn) and radiogenic isotope (e.g. Sr, Nd, Os, Pb). According to the applications, either high precision or high throughput might be the answer to given scientific questions. In other cases, space resolution or molecular analyses are needed. All contributions on advances in isotopic measurements using Multicollector ICP-MS, high resolution ICP-MS, SIMS, nanoSIMS and TIMS will be welcome. We particularly seek contributions involving novel instrumental techniques (e.g. laser ablation, hyphenated techniques) permitting high sensitivity and high spatial resolution analysis as well as compound specific isotope analysis. Contribution on dedicated reference materials are also encouraged.