Recent tectonic, geodetic and seismological studies along large continental faults in the eastern Mediterranean region (North Anatolian Fault, East Anatolian Fault and Dead Sea Fault) are providing new data and results demonstrating the complex nature of continental tectonic structures. The well known history of earthquake ruptures in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East offers unique opportunity to develop an integrated approach including active tectonics studies, paleoseismology, geodesy with advanced modelling of seismic sources and the earthquake cycle. Our session aims at gathering contributions that improve our understanding of the fault behaviour, the earthquake cycle and rheology in relationship with the regional deformation.
In this session, we seek contributions on fault slip rates determination at different time scales from a few decades (short term using GPS and/or InSAR) to several thousands of years (long-term using neotectonics and paleoseismology). We encourage submission of abstracts on fault complexity and their relationships to the occurrence of large earthquake ruptures, the modelling of active deformation and properties of the crust/lithosphere. Our aim is to discuss methods to analyze field data, as well as the discrepancies between results to provide the current state-of-knowledge of the active tectonics of major fault systems.