History, culture, art and religion in the geosciences (sponsored by Epsilon Energy Ltd.)
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 06 May, 13:30–15:15  / Room D

This session aims to provide a platform for the communication, comparison and study of the historical, cultural, artistic and religious manifestations of the geosciences and their interactions. It is intended to place the role of the geoscientist in the context of the wider cultural environment.
The primary aims of the session are:

(a) To provide an opportunity for researchers interested in the interplay between history, art, culture, economics and religion to put their studies in the context of the geosciences.
(b) To allow geoscientists to view and understand their work in the wider historical, artistic, cultural, economic and religious contexts.
(c) To provide an opportunity to increase communication between what are often disparate groups of researchers.
(d) To highlight the knowledge, understanding, practical help and sometimes problems provided by geoscientists to the wider cultural community historically and today.
(e) To acknowledge the contribution of the wider community to the support of geoscientists historically and today.
(f) To provide a basis for defining the role of the modern geoscientist in the future.

Oral Session. All the oral presentations will be given by invited speakers. However, suggestions for oral presentations may be sent to the convenors by the proposed speakers or by others. All suggestions will be considered seriously providing that they arrive in sufficient time.

Public information: This session has been kindly sponsored by

Epsilon Energy Ltd.

Epsilon Energy is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and production of oil and natural gas reserves in North America, the Middle East and Africa.