CO Editor Work Flows (for EGU Editors only)
Convener: Thies Martin Rasmussen  | Co-Convener: Natascha Töpfer 
Wed, 05 May, 09:15–10:00  / Room 45
Thu, 06 May, 09:15–10:00  / Room 45

This course is a presentation of 30 min. followed by 15 min. discussion. The goal is to show EGU journal editors the details of the review work flows of the online system Copernicus Office Editor. The different states that a manuscript undergoes, the involved tasks and duties as well as the corresponding communication (who is doing what at which step and who receives which information) will be presented and discussed. The aim is to provide a further understanding of the processes and it should help the editors to work with the review system Copernicus Office Editor.

Related events: EBM15 – CO Editor Tutorial (For EGU Editors only)
Wed, 05 May, 10:30–12:00  / Room 45
Thu, 06 May, 10:30–12:00  / Room 45
EBM16 – CO Editor Q&A Forum (For EGU Editors only)
Wed, 05 May, 16:00–17:30  / Room 45
TM6 – Interactive Open Access Publishing
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 06 May, 17:30–19:00  / Room 1