

Signals from subsurface mass transport beneath volcanoes
Convener: Gilberto Saccorotti  | Co-Conveners: Gareth O'Brien , Roberto Scarpa 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 07 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 20
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 07 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Display Thu, 07 Apr, 08:00–19:30  / Hall A

Active volcanoes are places of vigorous dynamical processes associated with migration of magmatic and hydrothermal fluids at depth. At the Earth's surface, such processes manifest themselves as geophysical and geochemical variations spanning broad amplitude and frequency ranges. The discrimination and correct interpretation of these signals is thus a crucial step toward the early detection of renewing eruptive activity, and the successful
assessment of short- to medium-term volcanic hazards.
This interpretative process is however made difficult by several
factors, which include complexities in the source geometry and force distribution, super-position of magmatic and hydrothermal sources, limitations in the resolving capabilities of measuring instruments, scarce knowledge of the rock system embedding the fluid reservoirs. Overriding these obstacles requires an
improved understanding of the fluid-dynamics processes in magmatic and hydrothermal systems dynamically coupled with their
hosting rocks, high-resolution measuring gauges, sophisticated data analysis and inversion procedures.
This session aims at bringing together the most recent advances in the above fields.
In particular, we welcome results from (i) Ground-truth observations of geophysical and geochemical signals associated with fluid transport at depth during either quiescent or eruptive stages; (ii) Multi-domain numerical simulations of magmatic-hydrothermal processes, and forward calculation of the related signals; (iii) Advanced data collection and processing methods aiming at the early detection of subtle changes tracking fluid dynamics at depth; (iv) Analogue experiments of multi-phase
flows, and related signals; (v) Laboratory studies of fluid transport processes under a variety of physical conditions.