

Large scale hydrology: observations and modelling
Convener: Hannah Cloke  | Co-Conveners: David Hannah , Dan Rosbjerg , Chong-Yu Xu 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 08 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 38
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 08 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Display Fri, 08 Apr, 08:00–17:00  / Hall A

Invited speakers: Marc Bierkens & Chris Kidd

Global, continental and other large scale hydrological research is very important in many different contexts, including understanding the climate system and water cycle, water resources assessment in a changing environment, hydrological forecasting and water resource management.

We invite contributions from across the atmospheric, meteorological and hydrological communities. In particular, we welcome papers that address advances in:

(i) understanding and predicting the current and future state of our global and large scale water resources

including: methods for detecting hydrological variability and change; quantifying hydrological fluxes at large scales; multi-scale hydrological systems and scale issues; large scale climate-hydrology interactions; global and large scale water balance modelling and land surface processes modelling, including teleconnections and prediction and forecasting of hydrological variations at global and large scales.

(ii) observational datasets for large scale hydrology and data assimilation techniques for large scale hydrological models

including: data assimilation methods; novel data sources for assimilation (remotely sensed and in-situ); regionalization approaches; uncertainty/sensitivity analysis and impact studies of boundary conditions, forcings, model parameters and factors; calibration, tuning, and optimization techniques.