

Remote sensing of soil moisture
Convener: Patricia de Rosnay  | Co-Conveners: Wolfgang Wagner , Alexander Loew (deceased) , Niko Verhoest 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 06 Apr, 08:30–12:15  / Room 34
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 06 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Display Wed, 06 Apr, 08:00–19:30  / Hall A

We invite presentations concerning soil moisture estimation, including remote sensing, field experiments, and land surface modelling. The technique of microwave remote sensing has made much progress toward its high potential to retrieve surface soil moisture at different scales.
From local to landscape scales several field or aircraft experiments were organized to improve our understanding of active and passive microwave soil moisture sensing, including the effects of soil roughness, vegetation, spatial heterogeneities, and topography. At continental scales several passive and active microwave space sensors, including SMMR (1978-1987), AMSR(2002-), and ERS/SCAT
(1992-2000) have already provide information on surface soil moisture. Further investigations in L-band passive microwave with SMOS (2009) and SMAP (2015) and in active microwave with Metop/Ascat
(2006) promise to open new possibilities in the quantification of the soil moisture from regional to global scales.
Comparison between soil moisture simulated by land surface models, in situ observations, and remotely sensed soil moisture is also relevant to characterization of continental scale soil moisture dynamic (e.g., GSWP2).
We encourage presentations related to soil moisture remote sensing, including:
- Field experiment, theoretical advances in microwave modelling and calibration/validation activities.
- Root zone soil moisture retrieval and soil moisture assimilation in land surface models as well as in Numerical Weather Prediction models.
- Inter-comparison and inter-validation between land surface models and remote sensing approaches.

Solicited presentations:
- Ahmad Albitar (CESBIO, France): Validation of SMOS data over SCAN site
- Stefan Hasenauer (TU Wien, Austria): H-SAF Soil Moisture products based on METOP/ASCAT scatterometer data