

Origin and formation of planets, dynamics and natural processes of Solar system bodies. In Honor of the 60- year Anniversary of Prof. Yury Barkin.
Convener: Yury Barkin  | Co-Conveners: Natalia Petrova , José M. Ferrándiz , Yann Alibert , Christopher Broeg , Jean Souchay , Jerome Noir 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 08 Apr, 08:30–12:15  / Room 32
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 08 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Display Fri, 08 Apr, 08:00–17:00  / Hall Z

The session will be split in two major parts:
The first block of reports is devoted to research on the origin and formation of planets in the context of both the solar system and the known exoplanets. This includes research on terrestrial and giant planets. While the focus is on formation models, constraints on planet formation from cosmochemistry such as parent body sizes and temperatures and other observational results directly relevant for planet formation are very welcome. We invite contributions on internal structure and evolution of giant planets, formation of terrestrial planets, dynamic modelling of the protoplanetary disk, planetesimal formation (n-body simulations, migration, etc.), planet synthesis models, cosmochemistry, and comparison with exoplanet / Solar System properties.

The second block of reports is devoted to studies of fundamental problems of celestial mechanics and dynamics of rotational motion, inner dynamics and natural processes of Solar system bodies. We invite for discussion reports on studies of all aspects of dynamics of celestial bodies: on rotational and orbital dynamics of the Solar system bodies, inner dynamics and modeling of inner structures of planets and satellites, on inner interaction and forced relative dynamics of the shells of the planets and satellites, on the study of correlations between rotational and orbital dynamics of planets and satellites with variations of their natural processes and physical field variations, and on analytical studies of problems in the field of celestial mechanics. The fundamental problem concerning activation of solar activity due to gravitational action of planets is also suggested for discussion. The list of celestial objects open for discussion includes exoplanetary objects and compact objects (pulsars) so that general approaches for the inner dynamics and evolution of all celestial bodies can be discussed.

Public information: After Session PS6.1 in honor of the 60 - year anniversary of our Convener Prof. Yu. Barkin we are planning a short informal meeting in same audience with refreshments and invite to participate.