

New, original and successful ideas for teaching Earth Sciences / EOS (co-organized)
Convener: Artemi Cerdà  | Co-Conveners: Elena Sparrow , Vincent C H Tong , Laura Cobden 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 08 Apr, 13:30–17:00  / Room 6
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 08 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Display Fri, 08 Apr, 08:00–17:00  / Hall Z

Teaching courses in various disciplines of Earth Sciences requires continuous innovation as new concepts and new generations of students change the dynamics of learning and teaching. Excellent teachers are always looking for new ideas and strategies that facilitate engagement, creative thinking and improve the transfer of ideas in the classroom. New ideas and strategies are usually developed, tested, and applied by teachers working in a wide variety of colleges and universities, but little of this knowledge or results of these experiences is disseminated to other teachers. This session is devoted to presenting teaching techniques and ideas that teachers from different regions and academic backgrounds have found effective in teaching Earth Sciences classes. Many teachers have worked for decades using innovative and highly successful strategies, but little is known outside of their lecture rooms. During the EGU 2010 we will have the chance to share their experiences. We welcome abstracts on original ideas for teaching all aspects of Earth Sciences courses, with special emphasis on field and excursion strategies, computer and laboratory teaching, and modeling. The 2011 session of "New, original and successful ideas for teaching Earth Sciences" at the EGU will also welcome research and teaching that includes human dimensions of Earth Science such as social and economic facets. A special attention will be given to the teaching of "quantitative aspects" of Earth Sciences, which has always been a pedagogical challenge.

Public information: Poster Session (Friday morning)
Oral Session 1 (Friday 13.30-15.00): Novel teaching approaches
Oral Session 2 (Friday 15.30-17.00): Linking research to teaching