HS1.1 Perspectives for the Future of Hydrology in a Changing Environment. Memorial Session in Honour of Professor Jim Dooge (invited speakers only) |
Convener: Alberto Montanari | Co-Conveners: Gerrit H. de Rooij , Murugesu Sivapalan |
Oral Programme
/ Wed, 06 Apr, 08:30–12:00
/ Room 33
The HS 2011 focus session is dedicated to the memory of Professor James (Jim) Dooge. He was one of Hydrology's pioneers, and a father of linear theory in hydrology. He also was Irish minister of foreign affairs. Jim Dooge's last paper was "Bringing it all together" which was the first paper to be published in the open-access EGU journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.
In line with the ideas and vision of Jim Dooge, this focus session is dedicated to hydrological change. At the start of the third millennium, population pressures and changes in weather patterns and climate precipitated a water crisis in various part of the world, with excesses, shortages or pollution of fresh water leading to humanitarian and ecological problems. Management and stewardship of fresh water stocks and fluxes is destined to remain one of the most pressing issues for humanity and hydrology will be increasingly called upon to propose long lasting solutions in the face of climate variability, which is still poorly understood, and changing population dynamics. Improved hydrological understanding and modelling are needed, as well as a pragmatic transfer of new knowledge to policy makers, land and water use authorities, and other stakeholders. This session aims to bring together visions for the future of hydrology, by discussing new ideas and approaches as well as social and economical impacts.
The first part of the session (from 8:30 to 11:00) is dedicated to scientific talks to outline perspectives for the future of hydrology in line with the heritage of Prof. Jim Dooge. The second part of the session (from 11:00 to 12:00) aims to honor Prof. Jim Dooge. Memorial talks will be given by Prof. Philip O'Kane, Prof. Ezio Todini, Dr. Arne Richter, Prof. Michael Bruen and Prof. Hubert H.G. Savenoije.
Public information: | Scientific Speakers: Tissa Illangasekare; Michael Roderick; Suresh Rao; George Kuczera. Memorial talks given by: Philip O'Kane; Ezio Todini; Arne Richter; Michael Bruen; Hubert H.G. Savenije. |