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Innovative techniques and unintended use of measurement equipment
Convener: Rolf Hut  | Co-Conveners: Theresa Blume , Willem Luxemburg 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

Have you ever used a thermometer to measure length? Duct-taped together two sensors because that would give you something no commercial product could do? This session gives a stage for all the scientists that build their own measurement equipment, or use existing equipment in ways the designers never thought off. This is a poster-only session that focuses on demonstration and sharing of ideas: we would like to invite scientists from all the hydrological subdivisions to submit abstracts on their novel measurement techniques, hoping to create an atmosphere where ideas and solutions can be shared across (sub)division boundaries.

This is a sister-session to the “Transforming Hydrology Though Innovations in Observation: From Lasers to Rubber Duckies” session that is organized at the AGU fall meeting. In the AGU session the focus is more on the financial constraint, where this session focuses more on the unintended en innovative techniques, i.e. innovative, but expensive, solutions are very suited for this session.

During this session there will be ample opportunity to demonstrate measurement equipment, so contributors are invited to bring their equipment.