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Towards a full GHG balance from the biosphere. How important are N2O and CH4 emissions in different ecosystems? How difficult is it to measure and to model their emission?
Convener: Donatella Zona  | Co-Convener: Kim Pilegaard 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 23 Apr, 10:30–11:45  / 13:30–15:15  / Room 23
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Poster Area BG

This session will gather contribution from studies investigating the importance of CH4 and/or N2O emissions comparing to CO2 in different ecosystems. The overall goal is to understand the impact of the emissions from these extremely powerful greenhouse gasses (in terms of CO2 equivalents) to climate change. We are interested in gathering contributions that discuss the challenges in measuring these gasses using the new available instrumentation (and possible bias to annual budgets, etc.), and particularly their importance for the global biogeochemical cycles, in different biomes worldwide, and the difficulties in modeling their emissions.
This session will present the results of studies in tropical ecosystems (Yit Teh), boreal peat lands (Annalea Lohila), grasslands (Merbold Lutz), forests (Mari Pihlatie, Hermann Jungkunst), plantations (Mette Carter), crops (Ligita Balezentiene, Evaldas Klimas, Petra Stolk). This is a unique chance to cross compare the contribution of these non-CO2 gases to the carbon budget from the biosphere. This session is linked to the goals of GHG-Europe and of the WP2 of the ABBA (COST Action ES0804) aiming at harmonizing and integrating trace gas flux measurements around the globe.