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Climate Change and Impact on Drinking Water Supply
Convener: Barbara Cencur Curk  | Co-Conveners: Aristita Busuioc , Hans-Peter Nachtnebel 
Oral Programme
 / Mon, 23 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room 39
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Mon, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD16.3 

Climate change (CC) affects fresh water resources and may have significant influence on public drinking water supply. CC is a fact supported by many relevant studies, but still disputed is the range and uncertainties of the possible change. These uncertainties are not only due to scientific and methodological deficiencies, but also depend on social development. The direction of development depends on decisions and measures to be set in an environment characterized by uncertainties.
Water suppliers have to identify and evaluate CC impacts on availability and safety of public drinking water supply and propose adaptation measures, considering their socio-economic consequences. The main water supply problems are related to the significant change of surface and groundwater quantity and quality observed in the last decades as an effect of land use practices and very likely of CC. Current water management practices are likely to be inadequate to reduce impacts of CC on water supply reliability. Therefore there is a need for water supply management adaptation measures, which are managing the risks associated with future climate change impacts. Applying well prepared adaptation measures will serve to solve conflicts between competing sectors and demands.

In this section contributions regarding following topics are invited:
- estimation of available water resources in the future (GW recharge and water demand of GDE at the catchment scale taking into account future land uses and water uptake for supply)
- estimation of climate change-induced land use changes
- impact of CC on water quantity and quality and the relation between land use and recharge
- best practices in land use for safeguarding recharge areas of water
- socio-economic and institutional aspects of vulnerability and adaptation of water supply, including costs and benefits
- risk assessment to secure drinking water supply under changing climate
- water supply management for adaptation to land use and CC changes