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Modeling, measurements and applications of snow stratigraphy and microstructure
Convener: Samuel Morin  | Co-Convener: Henning Löwe 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall Z
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD1.5 

Many cryospheric applications such as remote sensing, firn
densification and avalanche forecasting rely on the knowledge of snowpack
stratigraphy and microstructural characteristics at highest possible vertical and horizontal resolution. However, in-situ methods used to characterize snow in the
field do not measure the required variables directly. They rather monitor
different physical quantities such as optical or mechanical properties
and additional calibration or modeling is required. In addition, snowpack
models themselves are still formulated in terms of traditional snow
variables which are often loosely defined. This results in a situation
where the mutual interfaces between modeling, measurements and
applications of snow stratigraphy are ambiguous and prone to
uncertainties. It is the aim of the session to gather people with
different perspectives on snow stratigraphy and microstructure and
initiate a homogenization of these. All theoretical, experimental or
applicational contributions are welcome which predict or require well
defined physical or structural stratigraphic variables of snow.