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Soil, sediment and dust magnetism - magnetic parameters in environmental studies
Co-Conveners: Eduard Petrovsky , Leonardo Sagnotti 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 24 Apr, 10:30–12:15  / Room 34
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 24 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Hall A

During the last decade fast growing number of scientific publications relating to soil, sediment and dust magnetism is observed. According to ISI Web of Science since 2000 annually more than 50 related scientific articles is published. Fast and easy measurable magnetic parameters (even in field conditions) being the result of magnetic minerals concentration and structure are very often used as a tracers of environmental processes and/or anthropogenic influx. The authors that using magnetic mineralogical parameters are not only geophysists but also scientists from many other disciplines of Earth Sciences as geochemistry, environmental geology, mineralogy, soil science, physical geography, environmental protection and ecology. This session is addressed to scientists from different disciplines who study problem of magnetic properties of soils and sediments, occurring as a result of both: anthropogenic or technogenic processes (urban and industrial pollution) as well as natural processes (caused by pedogenic or geogenic features) and also to those scientists who study magnetic properties of atmospheric, urban and industrial dusts. The aim of this session is presentation of scientific results and exchange of experiences of scientists from different disciplines using magnetic parameters for investigation of environmental processes in geophysics, environmental physic, environmental protection, geochemistry, soil science, environmental geology etc.). It is welcome to emphasis the practical application of magnetic methods and techniques for assessment of ecological state and changes of natural environment, pollution monitoring and health related problems.