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Poster Session on Open Source Computing in Hydrology
Convener: Paolo Paron  | Co-Conveners: Attilio Castellarin , Ann van Griensven , Jan Seibert 
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

This session calls for gathering the open source community of developers and users in the various fields of hydrology (surface and subsurface) and water resources management. If you are developing a research using Open Source software and/or datasets in, for instance, flood risk assessment and mapping, prediction in ungaged basin, sediment budgeting, temporal time series analysis, geostatistics in hydrology, hydrological change assessment and anthropogenic effects on the hydrological cycle, groundwater exploration, recharge or pollution, just to mention a few, we strongly invite you to present your Open Source code or to share and discuss your results or your proposals for research in our session.
We are looking forward to hosting your innovative research in a new and dynamic poster-session format:
• an EGU poster session – power outlets at poster boards will enable contributors to perform on-site and hands-on demonstrations;
• an open forum discussion in a splinter meeting room afterwards – the open forum will enable us to further discuss open problems and future avenues in a friendly and informal atmosphere.
The publication of the session’s proceedings in a leading international journal is foreseen.