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Research on Flood Resilience and Europe
Convener: Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia  | Co-Convener: Daniel Schertzer 
Oral Programme
 / Tue, 24 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room D
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Tue, 24 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Hall XL

This session is devoted to flood resilience research developed in Europe, particularly within European projects. We will discuss the motivation behind this research, the main objectives of the projects together with the current achievements. The session aims to share experiences, connect and reflect on perceptions related to flood resilience aspects.
The addressed questions are:
- How do we define flood resilience?
- Which flood resilience technologies are considered?
- How are flood resilient systems approached? In particular how do we deal with their complexity?
- Which methods and techniques to investigate and achieve flood resilience? What about resilience metrics?
- How to foster flood resilience research as a key discipline for modernization of European flood management system?

A key outcome of session discussions will be the development and refinement of new ideas for meeting the challenge of flood resilience systems.

Public information: 9:30-9:45: EGU2012-12052 by I. White et al. is replaced by EGU2012-10774 "Coastal Floods: Urban Planning as a Resilience System" by
J.J. Diez Gonzalez et al.