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NETMAR - Open Service Network for Marine Environmental Data (public)
Convener: Adam Leadbetter  | Co-Convener: Torill Hamre 
Wed, 25 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room SM5

NETMAR aims to develop a pilot European Marine Information System (EUMIS) for searching, downloading and integrating satellite, in situ and model data from ocean and coastal areas. It will be a user-configurable system offering flexible service discovery, access and chaining facilities using OGC, OPeNDAP and W3C standards. It will use a semantic framework coupled with ontologies for identifying and accessing distributed data, such as near-real time, forecast and historical data. EUMIS will also enable further processing of such data to generate composite products and statistics suitable for decision-making in diverse marine application domains. The figure below illustrates how observations, derived parameters and predictions are retrieved from a distributed service network through standard protocols, and delivered through the EUMIS portal using ontologies and semantic frameworks to select suitable products and where new products can be generated dynamically using chained processing services.

At this public splinter meeting, we present the results of our project.

The NETMAR project is partially funded by the European Commission under Theme ICT-2009.6.4 ICT for environmental services and climate change adaptation of the Information & Communication Technologies FP7 Programme.