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GEO Work Plan Task ID-03: Science and Technology in GEOSS (public)
Convener: Hans-Peter Plag 
Tue, 24 Apr, 13:30–15:00  / Room SM5

The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) aims to provide comprehensible observations of the Earth system in support of decision making in a wide range of societal benefit areas. Scientific and technological knowledge and research are vital to our understanding of the global integrated Earth System, and scientific interpretation of the observations provided by GEOSS is necessary in order to derive actionable information. The nine interdependent Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) addressed by GEOSS require an interdisciplinary scientific approach cutting across observations, research, knowledge and information. Consequently, a strong engagement of science and technology communities in both the development and use of GEOSS would contribute to connecting disciplines to address the complex issues of the global integrated Earth system; improving interoperability between global observing systems, modeling systems, and information systems; facilita
ting data sharing, data archiving, data dissemination, and reanalysis; optimizing the recording of observations, assimilation of data into models, and generation of data products to improve the understanding of the global integrated Earth system for prediction of environmental phenomena; enhancing the value of global observations from individual observing systems through their integration in the societal benefit areas; and the harmonizing of well-calibrated, highly accurate, stable, sustained in-situ and satellite observations of the same variable recorded by different sensors and different agencies.

While some S&T communities are already actively contributing to GEO Work Plan Tasks, other S&T communities are not thoroughly aware of the benefits of GEOSS. The Science and Technology Road Map of GEO defines a number of outreach activities in order to ensure a broad S&T support for GEOSS and a wide use of GEOSS products by S&T communities. The 2009-2011 Work Plan Task ST-09-02 has implemented these activities, and the new 2012-2015 Work Plan Task ID-03: "Science and Technology in GEOSS" will continue to develop these activities. Since 2010, the work of ST-09-02 has been supported by the EC-funded EGIDA Project. Four examples of the activities conducted by ST-09-02 and EGIDA:

(1) GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology: This portfolio features a number of compelling examples showing how GEOSS serves S&T communities in their work. The examples, which have been selected through a rigorous review of proposals submitted to ST-09-02, are accessible through a web page. The portfolio is open for submission of additional proposals.

(2) GEOSS Data Citation Standard: In the scientific community in particular, recognition and renown are important currencies. In order to increase the attractiveness of GEO and GEOSS for scientists, the contributions of scientific communities and individuals must be acknowledged visibly when others use them to their benefit. Therefore, a GEOSS data citation standard has been developed based on state-of-the-art guidelines for data citation developed by international organizations.

(3) GEO Label: A concept is under development for a “GEO label” for data and services reflecting the scientific relevance, quality, acceptance and correspondence to societal needs of a product. This label will support GEOSS as an attractive incentive for involvement of the S&T communities. An online questionnaire is currently collecting opinions from the community on the design and application of the label.

(4) GEO presence at major Science and Technology meetings: GEO has made significant effort to engage a larger segment of the S&T communities in GEO. A number of GEO workshops or workshops co-sponsored by GEO involving S&T communities have increased awareness of GEO in these communities and beyond. ST-09-02 has developed an interactive web page for the coordination and documentation of outreach at major S&T meetings.

During the open Task Team meeting, we will review the status of these activities and agree on actions for the work to be conducted prior to the 2012 GEO Plenary. The meeting is open to all interested participants. However, if you plan to attend, please inform the organizers by April 15, 2012.

EGIDA Project:

Hans-Peter Plag, Taks Co-lead for IEEE, Point of Contact for ID-03
Ian McCallum, Task Co-Lead for the European Commission (EGIDA)
Douglas Cripe, GEO Secretariat

Public information: For details on the meeting, see