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Climate Services - Think Forward
Convener: Filipe Lúcio  | Co-Conveners: Paolo Michele Ruti , Alessandro Dell'Aquila 
Thu, 26 Apr, 19:00–20:00  / Room 5

The year 2012 can be regarded as the year of the "climate services". WMO will present the implementation plan of the Global Framework for Climate Services at WMO's Extraordinary Congress in October 2012. Also, THE EMS-ECAC conference in 2012 will be devoted to ‘European Climate Services Capabilities - user needs and communication with stakeholders’. Here at the EGU, we open the discussion on this Climate Services year by gathering different initiatives at international and European level and presenting new perspectives of innovative thinking on the role of climate information in the society.

Public information: The session will provide information on the development of the Global framework for Climate Services (GFCS) lead by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), current initiatives that promote the production and application of climate services, as well as specific national perspectives.

The event will be organized as a panel discussion proceeded by a keynote presentation to set the stage for the discussion that will follow. The moderator will engage panelists with specific questions through which they will express their perspectives on concrete activities they are involved in that promote climate services. The session will end with an open discussion.

Oral Programme

Moderator: Filipe Lúcio, WMO

19:00 hrs Introduction
Moderator, Filipe Lúcio, WMO

19:05 hrs Key note presentation: Global Framework for Climate Services
Filipe Lúcio, WMO

19:20 hrs Panel Discussion
Stephen Zebiak, International research Institute
Chris Hewitt, UK Met Office
Roeland Van Oss, KNMI
Glen Anderson, International Resources Group
Paolo Ruti, Enea

19:45 hrs Open discussion

20:00 hrs Closure