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The Kuafu mission: exploring the Sun-Earth connection
Conveners: Steve Milan , C.-Philippe Escoubet 
Wed, 25 Apr, 19:00–20:00  / Room 4

KuaFu is a spacecraft mission designed to study the Sun-Earth connection, from the solar surface, through interplanetary space, and into the magnetosphere and ionosphere. It is expected to comprise two components: KuaFu-A, to be launched to L1 to provide solar imaging and in situ solar wind monitoring, and KuaFu-B, an Earth-orbiting component to study the Earth’s magnetospheric response to solar wind disturbances. KuaFu-A will be built by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is expected to be launched in the 2015-2016 timeframe. The European Space Agency is currently studying the feasibility of providing KuaFu-B, for launch in 2017. The current concept for KuaFu-B calls for two auroral imaging spacecraft which will provide continuous coverage of the northern hemisphere auroras and systematic, simultaneous views of both northern and southern hemisphere auroras. This townhall meeting will be an opportunity to discuss the science to be addressed with Kuafu and the technical solutions to achieve the scientific objectives.