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Interdisciplinary M.Sc. and Doctoral Education in Climate System Science at the University of Hamburg
Convener: Hermann Held 
Tue, 24 Apr, 13:30–14:00  / Room Job & Education Market

School of Integrated Climate System Sciences, KlimaCampus, University of Hamburg, Germany

Climate change is recognized as one of the greatest challenges for mankind and an important factor in shaping strategies for future sustainable development. Accordingly, there is a growing demand in all kinds of professional fields for expertise in climate system science and its applications.

The Graduate School Integrated Climate System Sciences (SICSS) at the University of Hamburg offers a 2-yr MSc program in Integrated Climate System Sciences as well as a structured doctoral rogram.The Graduate School is embedded in the KlimaCampus, the internationally recognized consortium of climate system scientists, offering an excellent research environment at all career levels.