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Atmospheric Convection: Dynamics, Chemistry, and Vertical Transport
Convener: Jun-Ichi Yano  | Co-Conveners: Holger Tost , Leo Donner , Cathy Hohenegger 
Oral Programme
 / Wed, 25 Apr, 08:30–10:00  / Room 7
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Wed, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall X/Y

The goal of this session is to organise a joint forum for the wide range of communities concerned with atmospheric convection. Contributions are welcome on dynamics, chemistry, and transport. Field, theoretical, forecasting, and modelling studies of convection are appropriate contributions, as are studies of the role of convection in large-scale atmospheric composition patterns, and climate and numerical weather prediction models.

A particular goal of the session is the encourage examination of interactions between convection and other atmospheric phenomena and processes, e.g, boundary layers, cloud physics, and radiation. The roles of convection in ENSO, Madden-Julian Oscillation, tropical and mid-latitude cyclones, monsoons, and mesoscale systems are additional interactions within the session purview. Deep, shallow, moist, and dry convection are of interest. Parameterisation is a key concern, including chemical aspects, such as chemical conversions in gas and aqueous phase in and around convective events as well as scavenging and wet deposition. Since convection is responsible for a quick overturning of air masses, studies of associated tracer transport are also in the focus of this session.