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Polar Ozone and Polar Stratospheric Clouds
Convener: Geir O. Braathen  | Co-Conveners: Farahnaz Khosrawi , Bjoern-Martin Sinnhuber , Marc von Hobe , Michael Pitts 
Oral Programme
 / Fri, 27 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 11
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 27 Apr, 15:30–17:00  / Hall X/Y

The session will cover all aspects of polar stratospheric ozone, other species in the polar regions as well as all aspects of polar stratospheric clouds. Special emphasis is given to results from recent polar campaigns, including observational and model studies.

We encourage contributions on chemistry, microphysics, radiation, dynamics, small and large scale transport phenomena, mesoscale processes and polar-midlatitudinal exchange. In particular, we encourage contributions on ClOx/BrOx chemistry, chlorine activation, NAT nucleation mechanisms and on transport and mixing of processed air to lower latitudes.

We welcome contributions on polar aspects of ozone/climate interactions, including empirical analyses and coupled chemistry/climate model results and coupling between tropospheric climate patterns and high latitude ozone.

We particularly welcome contributions from the EU-project RECONCILE (Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions) that comprises laboratory and field experiments as well as modelling and data assimilation studies to address the open questions in Arctic stratospheric ozone depletion and devise reliable parameterisations of key processes for use in large scale chemistry climate models (CCM).

Public information: Change in the programme:
The contribution by G. Milinevsky et al. will be given as a poster instead of a talk. The contribution by Rieder and Polvani (Recent, uprecedented, Arctic ozone losses: climate change or large interannual variability?) will be given as an oral presentation at 10:30.